Muna Kalati is an Afrocentric mobile app intentionally built to resolve the foundational literacy skills problem among African children through engaging contents such as eBooks, audiobooks and animated contents, coupled with a language learning functionality and a workspace for the African book publisher to distribute and monetize their works.
We aim to curb the underrepresentation of the African culture, our morals and values in the early childhood education by providing culturally resonant educational contents for these young learners

Are you a young African student leader?
Do you have a stories to share of your experiences as a leader?
Or maybe you need some inspiration from your peers to step up and be that leader that is in you?
Watch out for the Young and Ready Show, the premier podcast show for young African student leaders between 11 and 18 years of age
Register here to be the first to know when the first episode is out
MK Reports
Are you looking for valuable insights in your field? With our association's membership, you will have access to MK Reports, a comprehensive collection of research reports. Our reports contain the most current and reliable data available, so you can stay informed and up-to-date with the latest trends.